We here at seminary are nearing the home stretch, the last three weeks of classes and finals. All over campus one can sense the tension mounting as we rush to finish, (or begin) final papers, cobble together presentations, study for final exams and try our best to cram in the weekly reading for our last two classes. Ha! For those of us that also pastor a congregation or three, or four, or who work full time jobs in addition to school responsibilities the pressure can be deadly.
It is a continual balancing act between work, school, family and self-care. Too often self-care is sacrificed for the sake of the others. At some point, one must ask at what price do we sacrifice our own care?
If we as leaders in both church and community do not daily practice the care of self such as, healthy eating habits, (my personal down fall right along with the next one.) exercise, prayer time for our spiritual growth, and regular medical and dental care (financial luxuries for seminary students, I know); then what by our actions/examples are we teaching those we lead?
For many seminary students and pastors, the driving force behind much of what is done is the need to meet the expectations of others. The expectations of one's school responsibilities clearly laid out in each class syllabus and the expectations of our employers, churches and families which can, if we allow them, overtake our time and kill off our self-care. Long before Easum and Capshaw wrote the book, Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Rediscovering Ministry, I used the same example for self-care. I understood that on a plane, if a parent did not apply the mask that would keep them alive first to themselves, they may pass out before being able to place the mask on their child. One can quickly see the importance of this lesson as an unconscious parent can help no one.
The same premise of self-care is important for the future and present leaders of the Church and the world. If we do not care for ourselves then how can we care for anyone or anything else?
Let's take care of ourselves! So, here's our homework, (Ow, bad word these next few weeks) take a chunk out of each day for you, it doesn't have to be hours and hours, but one hour or so each day to pray, or exercise or both. To walk in God's Creation, to breathe, to dance, to get a massage...my personal fav, drink tea with a friend, or anything you can think of that will breathe life into your tired and overworked soul. A mini retreat.
There will always be a Home Stretch in life, deadlines, responsibilities and expectations, my prayer, is for us to care for ourselves so that we then may as whole persons, care for that to which God calls us. God's blessings as you travel along life's journey.
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